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Top 5 reasons to become a Full stack expert!

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The hyper-personalized, intuitive, and intelligent corporate world requires its employees to have a full stack of skills. This is what we mean when we quote the term Full stack developer. The term Full stack developer describes software developers who have multiple competencies and have worked across the development process, from the front to the back end. They are in high demand. Why? Because they understand the enterprise’s larger picture and resolve issues effectively. 

Now, if you’re reading this blog and it is assumed that you love numbers, let me spill some for you- Fullstack is an emerging sector of the $1.2 trillion Industry that creates millions of jobs every year. 

Thus, here are the top 5 reasons why you should become a Full-Stack developer. 

The Demand is HIGH and only going Higher. 

Now that we are discussing the potential reasons for you to become a full-stack developer. Let’s start with the generic one. The full-stack developer is always in demand, no matter what the market waves say. It’s quite rare that a person becomes a pro in both front-end and back-end coding; thus, when someone does that, the skill is considered highly valuable. Having the full stack of developing skills is considered to be a very vital and critical skill. Thus, it saves the cost of hiring two separate developers. 

Higher than Average Salary Package 

Knowing both front-end and back-end coding counts a lot. This is why full-stack developers earn a whopping amount of money, and obviously, more than what a front-end developer or just a back-end developer would earn. Research says that a full-stack developer earns between 10 LPA to 15 LPA+, depending on the company and location. Thus, having a good command over the front and back-end development attracts a handsome annual salary. Sounds like a fair enough reason to me. 

A Diverse Work Portfolio

Being called a full-stack developer means being well-versed in many skills that are creating a buzz in the market. A person who learns full stack development from LearNowX will have good enough knowledge in back-end coding, database technologies, and programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, PHP, and Node JS, after finishing the course. This has driven up the salaries for LearNowX full-stack developers with both front-end and back-end expertise. Learning this much also helps them in setting up their diverse work portfolio with opportunities gates always open. 

Get More Opportunities

As a full-stack developer, a person is assumed to be well-versed in both technical and soft skills, especially after learning from LeaNowX. This helps them in getting placed in high-paying tech companies of their choice. The demand for a full-stack developer is worldwide. Thus, the job market will always stay afloat, resulting in a better career path. 

A full-stack developer can learn these and create a career path in any of these.

  • Back-end development- Java, Python, etc
  • Front-end development- JavaScript, HTML, and Java
  • Basic Design Ability
  • Version Control System
  • Security and Networking
  • Knowledge in API
  • Database and Cache
  • Server
  • Web Architecture
  • Git, GitHub, and Source Tree

Easy to Learn 

Last but not least, gaining the full stack of development skills is easy. Or, let’s say, easier than it seems. Each language has its own identity and uniqueness but is somehow interrelated. There is a lot of study material and trained professionals who help you in gaining an edge over others in the full stack development course from LearNowX gives you access to easily modified lessons just for you. With Industry professionals and University trainers, mastering the fundamentals will help you reach the top of your career. 

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