Tips To Write A Perfect CV To Land An IT Job

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Your CV is something that helps you stand out from the crowd & leave the first impression on the recruiters, either GOOD or BAD, right? It reflects your professional journey and can significantly increase your chances of landing that dream job.  Are you facing challenges with repeatedly rejected resumes or…

Front-End vs Back-End: Know the Difference

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Front-End vs Back-End: Why do we need to know? Web Development is a must know knowledge and comprises of Front end and Back end components. So we need to understand Front-End vs Back-End technologies. Google search returns numerous eye-catching results. Sometimes it seems amazing how quickly we can achieve fantastic…

Read more about the article Java Development Trends In 2023
Java trends 2023

Java Development Trends In 2023

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Get To Know Java Development Trends In 2023IntroductionThe Java programming language currently ranks at the top of searches for the most recent technological developments online. As a matter of fact, Java is undoubtedly the most in-demand and popular programming language. The updated features of Java projects help you stay up-to-date with…

Everything you want to Know about ChatGPT  

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Open AI released ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. Since then, the internet has buzzed around ChatGPT. Is this reason a good enough reason to do a machine learning course? Perhaps you need to know more. Here we come to share a few jewels of our knowledge on ChatGPT.  ChatGPT, an…

Top 13 Benefits and Importance of PHP Language

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When we think of PHP Language, our mind reflects a tool used to connect databases and retrieve information, which is then passed on to your web server to be displayed in HTML. Being the first widely used server-side language that could be embedded into HTML makes it easier to add…

How Does Software Testing Work? 

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Think of a scenario where you have gone to the market to buy a laptop. Before buying the laptop, you will look into its features, keys working properly, RAM, Storage, SSD, etc. You look for everything before buying it to make sure it is error-free. That's simply testing. Testing is…

Top 5 reasons to become a Full stack expert!

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The hyper-personalized, intuitive, and intelligent corporate world requires its employees to have a full stack of skills. This is what we mean when we quote the term Full stack developer. The term Full stack developer describes software developers who have multiple competencies and have worked across the development process, from…

Why is Upskilling significant nowadays

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Upskilling is important. Perhaps the most important thing in the tech lexicon. But why? Let’s figure it out today.  To be blunt, the pandemic swept the carpet from beneath our feet. Each industry was severely impacted by the pandemic in many terms, especially the tech industry. For many of us,…