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Tips To Write A Perfect CV To Land An IT Job

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Your CV is something that helps you stand out from the crowd & leave the first impression on the recruiters, either GOOD or BAD, right? It reflects your professional journey and can significantly increase your chances of landing that dream job. 

Are you facing challenges with repeatedly rejected resumes or feel your current one lacks adequate and relevant information? Worry not!

In this blog, we’ve got your back with LearNowX expert tips and tricks to help you create the perfect resume in 2024. 

Writing a resume is no more an easy task in today’s competitive word, but with the right guidance, you can present yourself in the best way possible during interviews.

Not everyone is skilled at crafting a good resume, but at LearNowX, a leading learning and training platform, our team of experts understands the importance of a well-crafted resume and is here to assist you in your career planning and development journey. Whether you’re a professional looking to upskill or just starting, our platform provides valuable insights and tools to enhance your resume-building skills.

Let’s dive deep into the tips and tricks that will alleviate your resume worries and leave a lasting impression on recruiters. Whether it’s about polishing grammar, highlighting relevant details, or structuring your resume for maximum impact, we’ve got you covered.

Why Creating A Good Resume Matters A Lot

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, everyone is hustling to keep up with the latest trends in this competency era, so why not our CVs, right?

However, did you know that our resumes are inspected by a machine, not by the human resource department staff? It might sound perplexing, but it’s the reality of the hiring process. These AI systems hold the power to either approve or reject our resumes, adding a new layer of complexity to the job-seeking journey.

An effective resume tailored for the AI goes beyond traditional formats; it’s strategically structured with relevant keywords, qualifications, & achievements. A standout resume showcases your skills and aligns with the criteria set by these intelligent machines, impacting your chances of making a memorable first impression & landing a job you dreamed of.

Let’s now understand the term Curriculum Vitae, aka CV, in simple terms.

What is a CV?

So, Curriculum Vitae (a Latin phrase that means “course of life”) represents detailed information highlighting your professional, personal, and academic history. It is the meat and potatoes for the initial development of your career. Moreover, a CV is a candidate’s first impression that needs to be framed right from the beginning.

Remember: structure is key, and the candidates must remember that while building their resumes. 

Moving ahead, let’s guide you step by step via points on how to frame and what necessary feed is required that may attract employers to your resume.

Important Things to include in your CV before applying for or accepting a job proposal are:

  • Personal Statement: The first and foremost information you need to include is your name, contact details, address (which is optional), and email address. The pro tip here is not to include an email ID comprising your nickname or sounds unprofessional, complete address, etc. You have to make it as straightforward as possible for the recruiters and hyperlink your projects to make them easily visible. You must be thinking, what if someone is a fresher? In this scenario, you may include your school projects, work placements, internships, voluntary work, etc.
  • Cover Letter: While submitting your resume, a cover letter is crucial; most people ignore it. Moreover, the cover letter allows you to incorporate the details or skills your CV does not contain. However, the employer does not read all the cover letters but reviews the candidates’ selected cover letters. In addition, 83% of recruiters agree to submit the cover letter and your resume.
  • Avoid vibrant colors: Colorful resumes are everywhere at present! If we look back to the old times, maintaining the formal aspect of the resumes was the priority. But now, employees use colors to express themselves, which is fine in moderation, but keeping the colors at bay helps avoid unconscious bias. However, vibrant colors with improper text formatting make your resume look unprofessional.
  • Poor Design: Are you tired of applying and getting no response? Do check and look at your CV’s structure and check if it is adequately designed! If your resume consists of spelling mistakes, distracting graphics, typing errors, unprofessional fonts, and more can be the reason why your resume is not selected. Moreover, it becomes challenging for the ATS systems to read them, causing problems.

If you are a candidate with less experience, the column would require more space for the information. On the other hand, if you are an experienced candidate, the recruiter will focus more on your work experience than your education. 

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Crafting A Resume

  • Don’t use an objective statement.
  • Don’t lead with your education.
  • Don’t jump straight into your current job.
  • Avoid using tables.
  • And never include self-praising opinions.

Now, look at your CV; you will understand how important it is to structure your information correctly to gain an edge over the other candidates. 

By implementing these surefire tips, you can craft a compelling resume that will undoubtedly enhance your chances of securing job opportunities in the IT field. Don’t let potential employers overlook your qualifications and skills due to an unimpressive CV. A well-crafted resume is all you need to boost your career prospects and act as a blueprint for exciting new possibilities.

Dreaming of landing a job with expertise in soft skills and a one-in-a-million resume? Enroll in LearNowX to learn the in-demand soft skills of 2024 and gain personalized guidance and job assistance from certified experts in CRM, AI & ML, digital marketing, and more.

Divya Dang

Practice Head (Soft skills and Business communication)

A professional soft skill trainer with an enriched experience of 12 years, Divya pursued a master’s degree in Business Law from the National Law School of Indian University (NLSIU). She understands business as an art, thus, she is an expert in providing education related to ins and outs of business communication and relationships. As a strategic leader with rich experience in human resources services, Divya has trained more than 3000 students to be well versed with the key skills of business communication by paving the way for companies to recruit and develop talent, invest in company culture, and ensure growth. With a nose for entrepreneurial skills, Divya also listens to the $100 MBA Show Podcast alongside the morning breakfast.

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