Master The Art Of Video Tracking In Google Tag Manager

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Have you ever wondered how the big players on the web keep track of their video performance? With video content rising as a dominant force in digital marketing, tracking & analyzing user interactions with your videos is paramount. This is where Google Tag Manager (GTM) comes in—a powerful tool that…

Introduction To Form Tracking in Google Tag Manager

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Did you know that 68% of businesses struggle to understand their website visitors' behavior & effectively track form submissions on their websites? Truthfully, it's a staggering statistic, considering how crucial form submissions and tracking are for generating leads, gathering user feedback, and driving conversions. Thankfully, form tracking emerges as a game-changer tool…

A Complete Guide Measuring Button Clicks In Google Tag Manager

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No wonder data is king in today's digital landscape. For businesses striving to understand their online audience and optimize their marketing efforts, tracking user interactions on their website is crucial. Every click, scroll, and form submission provides valuable user behavior and preferences insights. One of the most valuable actions to track…

Variables & Containers in Google Tag Manager Explained

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In the realm of digital marketing, the effectiveness of tracking and analyzing user interactions on websites is undeniable.According to recent studies, businesses that effectively utilize website analytics are up to 3 times more likely to improve their overall ROI. This is where Google Tag Manager (GTM) steps in, providing marketers…

How To Write Clean & Better Code? Expert Tips Every Developer Must Follow

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Tired of writing messy, hard-to-read code? Want to know the expert developer tips to incorporate into your development workflow & lead the way to write cleaner, more maintainable code like a pro?Writing clean and efficient code while software development is an essential skill that separates mediocre developers from exceptional ones.…

What are Tags and Triggers in Google Tag Manager, and How to Create Them?

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Every click, scroll, and interaction on a website holds valuable insights that can help optimize marketing strategies and drive business growth. However, capturing and analyzing this data can be complicated, especially for those unfamiliar with the technicalities of web development and analytics tracking.Introducing Google Tag Manager (GTM), a powerful tool…

A Beginner’s Guide to Google Tag Manager : Introduction & Steps To Install

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Tracking and managing website analytics is crucial for businesses aiming to understand user behavior and optimize their online presence. Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a powerful tool that allows seamless implementation and management of various tracking codes and tags without manual coding.Google introduced Google Tag Manager in 2012. GTM provides…

A Beginner’s Guide To Using Loops In Python

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In the vast and competitive landscape of programming languages, Python stands out with its simplicity & versatility & has emerged as one of the top programming languages of 2023, according to Stack Overflow.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Python offers a steep learning curve and robust capabilities, making…

8 Steps To Becoming A Full-Stack Developer In 2024

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Did you know who is called the “Swiss Army knives” of the fast-paced digital era in 2024? Full-stack developers! But why? Because they are a one-man army in the development world, they possess a broad range of skills  & rich expertise with the latest tools & technology stack that enable them…

A Guide for Front-End Developers on How to Use Unstyled UI Components

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Today, front-end developers are constantly looking for ways to upgrade their skills to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. As minimalist designs become increasingly popular in the design era,  unstyled UI components have also been in demand recently. As per the statistics, more than 70% of users prefer simplicity and…