Basic social etiquettes

what does corporate etiquette mean to you? Well, it’s way more than just walking, eating, or sitting correctly. Corporate Social Etiquette is a set of rules that needs to be followed by individuals to show gratitude towards each other.

In Demand Soft Skills You Need to Get Hired

Do you think hard skills such as computer skills, administrative skills, customer service skills, and more are enough to get a job? And guarantee a future-proof career? Does it sound too confusing?

Conquering Coding Phobia

Coding, the term makes everyone scared with different thoughts like - Oh, It will be too hard I don’t think I will learn it easily. Well, we at @LearNowX help you to change your mindset within a few days.

Getting a Job is Just the Beginning

This webinar highlights the difficulties that freshers face after landing into the job and have no idea what will be their next step. Providing the audience with solution for such scenarios.